Sunday, May 22, 2011

Famewhores vs. Rationally Religious

I don’t know about you, but I’m disgusted by all of the fear-laden, misinformed, famewhore extremists who are garnering worldwide media exposure only to use it as a platform to bastardize God, Faith, and Religion.

Pardon my rant, but the last couple of months have been ridiculous.

Let's call a spade a spade on a few of these folks. . .

Contrary to the prediction of radio host (and fringe Christian leader) Harold Camping, the rapture did not occur on May 11, 2011 at 6pm. . .or at midnight.  Our sacred text reveals that “no one knows the day or the hour" of Christ’s return.  Thanks, Harry, for making Christians worldwide the butt of every joke for months and thanks for making us all look like tools.  (I'm sure you were well-intentioned, but you should have known better.)

Next. . .

Contrary to the moronic doctrine of Westboro Baptist Church, God is not punishing America because of homosexuality and would NEVER delight in the suffering caused from the loss of a human life.  Protesting the funerals of soldiers and actors (or anyone for that matter)  is a testimony of evil, ego and narcissism.  God forbid these people ever have to endure the torture they've inflicted.

To quote Representative Steve Simon of Minnesota, “How many more gay people does God have to create, before we ask ourselves whether or not God actually wants them around?”

Next. . .

Contrary to the photo published by the Hasidic Jewish publication, Der Zeitung, Hillary Clinton was indeed present in the now infamous photo taken at the White House during the Bin Laden raid.  Mrs. Clinton has more than earned her right to be historically captured in this photo.  Der Zeitung - your organization should have refrained from using the picture entirely instead of publishing this doctored mess.  (By the way, women are not responsible for a man's lust - men are.)

Finally. . .

Contrary to world renowned physicist, Atheist and modern genius Stephen Hawking’s recent statement,
“I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.”

To this I say:  Mr. Hawking, I've actually died which makes me the expert in this situation.  In 2007, I was clinically dead for over three minutes after going into anaphylactic shock from a reaction to MRI contrast and, rest assured, there most certainly is an afterlife for "broken down computers."  I've been there.  I understand that your life is wholly dependent on modern technology, but making such definitive and insulting assumptions about subjects on which you have no concrete evidence is not only unscientific, but foolish and far beneath your incredible intellect.


Unfortunately, listed above are just a few of the top stories currently plaguing the religious - look to page six and one will find embarrassing tales of clergy abuse, child-brides, mega-church pastors thieving money from congregations, suicide bombers, genital mutilation and the list goes on and on.
Something is rotten in our world and much of the stench is coming from within the walls of our churches, temples and mosques.

Religion needs a public relations overhaul and tolerant "Godbotherers" need to peacefully lead the charge.  LOVE is at the center of every major religion and it is with love that I say - we all need to wake the hell up and quit letting extremists define our God and our Faith!

We need to demand better.

We are past the point of needing to take a stand - action is woefully overdue.  Write the editors and leaders of offending news/church/media organizations, start your own church/discussion/small group, participate in discussions online, turn off the TV, rage against the extremists and demand that the media more widely cover our innumerable acts of grace, generosity and selflessness, as our people are indeed all over the world acting as welders for our planet's weakest links.

Martin Luther once said, “You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say” and it is time for all of the tolerant, intelligent faith-based folks who are sitting on the sidelines to speak up!

***My friend Mark Langham from Conspiracy of Hope wrote a great piece regarding a Christian perspective on the recent "Rapture" events.***

**If your like me and need to vent - please feel free to use the comments section below.**


Mark Langham said...

geez Harold. What gives man?

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