Thursday, April 14, 2011

For The Love of Gay: Pt. 2 “Mawwiage”

Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togethaw today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam wivin a dweam.” – The Princess Bride

I love being married!  Marriage is a challenging, fierce, comforting, annoying, crazy, sexy, frustrating, painfully ordinary, absolutely extraordinary, infuriating, touchingly beautiful roller coaster ride.  If it’s your cup of tea, I highly recommend it!

However. . .

We’ve all been duped; right, left, middle – every last one of us.  We’ve been brainwashed by the idea that governmental intrusion within the Sacrament of marriage is not only needed/justified, but somehow appropriate – and it’s absolutely not.

Why is gay marriage a ballot issue?

For The Love Of Gay: Part 1

Last week my dear friend Amanda said, “go big or go home.”
So, here I go. . .terrified. . .but big.

Allow me to prepare for our journey with a little home-grown wisdom:

My Mother always taught me to judge a tree by the fruit it bears. She said that God reveals His justice to the heart, not the eyes, as the eyes have been stained by the tears of ego.

That said, and with all of my heart, I believe that God dearly loves the gay community and that the fruit of our judgment is not only rotten, but misinformed and wrong.

Christians Have Abortions?

Christians have abortions.

In fact, a religious affiliation is cited in 72% of all abortion cases.  Yet most folks who demand to have Roe v. Wade overturned and Planned Parenthood defunded are religious.


It seems that it’s time for both sides of the aisle to publicly find common ground, as all of our women are clearly being affected by abortion.  We need to cease this “us vs. them” mentality and drop the divisive identifiers.  The labels of “pro-choice” and “pro-life” are weapons used to decapitate our ability to have a rational discussion.  Meanwhile, solutions for a more aggressive approach to sexual education, family planning and women’s health have been dwarfed by talking points, big business and bloody-hanger propaganda.

Enough is enough.

It’s time to have a connected, revolutionary, rational discussion about abortion.

The Rape of the “Unnamed Girl.”


All human beings are sacred gifts from God; America has lost this truth.

Our people are no longer people – they are nouns who are categorized and labeled to the point of a “dead identity”.  There is a grave danger in subscribing to a filing system for human beings.  It cunningly creates a disconnect between us and an actual living breathing human being who is full of love, sorrow and history.  It reduces God’s most precious creation to the attributes of their labels – mere words on a page.

For example:  when a minor is involved in a sexual abuse case, it is customary for the authorities and the media to label the victim as the “unnamed boy/girl.”  I realize that this protocol is to protect the identity of the child, but how well are we really protecting our young?

Operation: Sexy Lent

The divorce rate in America currently hovers between 45-50% (depending on your source); an alarming statistic on many levels.  More disturbing, however, is that according to a recent study by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers – 1 out of 5 couples cite Facebook as a contributing factor in the demise of their marriage.

Facebook?  Really?  OK – we need an intervention. . .or a revolution.

Forgive my candor, but using Facebook as a scapegoat in a divorce proceeding is asinine.  I understand that provocative photos and inappropriate conversations “accidentally” found on the social network is a lawyers dream – but if your marriage crashes every time you log in, your matrimonial wound runs deeper than a status update.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dear Christians: Love.


The Christian faith is divided and has been since birth.  

Even with the communication gap being narrowed to the width of a smart phone and a laptop – the chasm between Christians is wider than ever and growing dangerously deeper by the mouse click.  We, as followers of Christ, need to collectively navigate our way back to our (politically unaffiliated) touchstone:  L O V E.


There is a darkness penetrating our beloved English language; an act so discreet and common that we rarely even pause to take notice.  It is the creation of a synonym to make humankind’s malice, palatable.

Synonyms began as an innocent system by which to choose an alternate word (that had the same or similar meaning) to describe a person, place, thing, action or idea.  A word-play technique used by poets and storytellers to more colorfully comment on life and the human condition.  However, somehow this process has morphed into a method by which our society white-washes heinous acts.  For example:  thievery (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act), murder (medically unnecessary late-term abortions) and most recently, heinous perversion (Pedosexuality).